Image Consulting
What is Image Consulting?
Many would assume that image consulting is a brand-new field. In fact, image consulting has been in vogue since the ’70s and ’80s. Image consulting is a form of consultancy that focuses on a client’s appearance, behavior, and communication. In past decades, this constituted a person’s “image.” Today, it’s more likely to be called someone’s “personal brand” but Image consultants may work with clients on both their professional and personal image.
Image consultants are experts at assessing how someone is perceived. They understand how the messages projected by visual, verbal and nonverbal communication skills impact others.
In the early days, actors, politicians, models and celebrities were the most likely candidates to hire an image consultant for a color analysis or “a makeover” to improve their professional image. These days, many business people, job seekers and entrepreneurs are interested in boosting their brand image, enhancing their confidence and improving their communication skills.
Generally, image consultants work with their clients to present the best version of themselves — rather than trying to change the individual. The goal is to make clients feel confident, credible and comfortable in their own skin. After the image consulting services, they will be armed with new skills, ready to take on challenges and accomplish new goals.
Image consulting is becoming rapidly more relevant to people today as so many people are in the public eye. From Instagram stars to YouTubers to small business owners, social media makes everything much more inti and more connected. In a world where someone can experience tremendous backlash from the wrong social media post, image consultancy is even more important.
Consultant Job Description
An image consultant will need to be fashionable, interesting and engaging. Like a coach, they must have a love of people and enjoy giving them skills to grow and develop themselves. It helps to like styling clothes, color, and body analysis but also skills such as coaching, etiquette, makeup and hairstyling are very useful. Many women leave the corporate world to do something they love and bring high level skills to image consulting.
In addition, as in any entrepreneurial business, a consultant must know how to market herself both online and in person as she builds up her client base. He or she needs an effective online presence as potential clients scrutinize her professional and personal brand to assess if it’s a fit for them.
Clients like to dip a toe in the water and try out free online mini-classes and Q&A sessions. They like to view videos, listen to the consultant’s seminars and meet her in networking sessions. They will need to be knowledgeable about current media, current fashion, and current events. Part of being an image consultant is being sensitive to context, which requires that consultants be very news-savvy.
Today’s image consultant will also be extremely knowledgeable about the internet, as this is where a significant amount of branding occurs. But an image consultant may also need to be aware of mass media reporting, the news cycle, and other traditional venues of image reporting.
What Can I Expect to Learn in a Career as an Image Consultant?
At London Image Institute we pride ourselves on producing some of the best Image Consultants in the industry. We want you to succeed, as much as you want to succeed and we get you career ready by offering valuable trainings on nonverbal communication skills, networking skills, dining etiquette, technology etiquette and more. Contact us to get started on one of our foundation or advanced courses, which are also available online.
Nonverbal Communication Skills
Image consulting isn’t just about the physical image of a person. It’s also about how the person carries himself, his demeanor and the type of personality he exudes.
Many politicians and executives have worked with an image consultant to feel more confident and in charge. It’s known that the more confident people are, the more likely they are to succeed within their industry.
Nonverbal communication skills include things such as how you stand, what facial expressions you use, how you gesture, and your tone of voice. It’s known, for instance, that people tend to enjoy listening to others with lower tones of voice. A lower pitch, a clear delivery, a balanced, upright posture and good eye contact all contribute to a commanding presence. Those individuals familiar with neuro-linguistic practices can use a technique called “mirroring”; which is characterized by subtly matching the other person’s body language to establish relatedness and familiarity early in the conversation to increase rapport.
Image consultants will underscore the importance of better nonverbal communication skills, business etiquette, and development strategy and will be able to teach these skills to their clients. Clients will be able to command the room more effectively and are able to project an aura of being the authority — an essential skill in just about every field or industry.
Networking Skills
Most entrepreneurs require networking skills. However, the ability to connect, engage and speak briefly but persuasively about their business doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
Image consultants need to learn the skills of networking themselves. This remains one of the major ways that an image consultant gets business. After all, someone isn’t likely to hire an image consultant whom they haven’t seen and assessed either in person or online beforehand.
Image consultants also need to be able to pass these networking skills onto others. Things like genuinely getting to know and remembering people’s details, connecting with them on a deeper level, and giving out a positive first impression are all things that someone needs to know if they’re going to build up a client base and a reputation.
This also comes down to things such as knowing how to dress for a certain function, or knowing how to present yourself so that you get invited to the right functions to meet influencers or the very people who could hire you. These are important skills that an image consultant can help with.
Dining Etiquette
Decades ago, everyone was taught proper table manners. But many families have become lax. In turn, many don’t know that there are different table manners depending on where you go and that culturally, the wrong table manners can be disastrous.
Individuals who work with those in different cultures or geographic locations–or individuals who simply never learned proper table manners–can always benefit from learning more about etiquette.
A great number of deals are done at the dining table rather than at the boardroom. Breakfast, lunches and dinners are where business people most frequently network and meet. Thus, etiquette is critical to making a good first impression.
Technology Etiquette
Technology is becoming a larger part of day-to-day life. It also carries etiquette rules and requirements of its own. Etiquette can govern how to respond to emails, how to write instant messages, when (and when not) to use emoticons, how to respond to tweets professionally, or even how to respond to online reviews.
Because online communication doesn’t convey emotion well, it can be very difficult for many to properly interact through it. Following the rules of technology and adopting professional communication, etiquette can help an individual showcase his brand.
In many fields, a “first impression” is first cultivated online. Whether it’s a resume sent through email or a LinkedIn account, individuals need to make sure that their personality and tone are properly conveyed.
How can London Image Institute help me?
At London Image Institute we pride ourselves on producing some of the best Image Consultants in the industry. We want you to succeed, as much as you want to succeed and we get you career-ready by offering valuable online and in-person trainings on every facet of appearance, nonverbal communication skills, networking skills, dining etiquette, technology etiquette and more.