As a graduate you have access to this amazing resource which houses marketing materials, workbooks, forms, stock and premium photography, presentations and more. All of which you can use in your own business.
The documents, presentations and photography on this site are updated regularly. And we are continually adding to the site to give even more value to our graduates.
Check out everything that is available is this tour!
Access to sample brochures, flyers and advice on how to create your logo and website.
You can download these templates and customize them using Microsoft Word.
Workbooks, form, documents and powerpoint presentations for Foundation Course graduates. Customize the documents and presentations with your own brand and logo.
NOTE: Advanced course graduates have access to everything available to Foundation Course graduates plus everything below.
Access to premium and stock photography that you can download and use in your presentations and marketing materials.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
A sample of premium images from the most recent London Image Institute fashion shoot and represent current styles and fashions.
Select from hundreds of images, then download and use in your them presentations and marketing materials.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
Stock images consist of various images that can be used in presentations and marketing materials or as backgrounds. Choose from hundreds of images.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
Advanced forms and documents that you can customize with your own branding and logo.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
More advanced resources to customize with your own brand and logo.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
Advanced powerpoint presentations that you can customize with your own branding and logo.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
More advanced resources to customize with your own brand and logo.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
Sketches can be used to demonstrate image and fashion details. Customize these with your own branding and logo.
Note: This is only available to graduates of the Advanced or Foundation + Advanced Courses and you must adhere to the licensing rights.
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