Business Etiquette
Business Etiquette
Business etiquette is something critical that’s not frequently taught in schools today. In fact, if you never took a business class, you might not even know what business etiquette is. Let’s take a look at what business etiquette is, why it’s important, and how you can learn more when you contact us at London Image Institute for image consulting services.
What is Business Etiquette?
Business etiquette refers to the expected social behavior someone is under when in an office or business environment. There are certain things that are considered “correct” and other things that are considered “faux pas.”
But a lot of people might not know what business etiquette is because they’ve simply never learned. Examples of business etiquette include, for instance, the obvious: always shake hands when meeting someone. But there are things that are less obvious, such as always introducing someone that you’re with.
And business etiquette does change over time. Just a decade ago, it was considered to be unprofessional to add an emoticon into an email. Now, it’s considered unprofessional not to occasionally use an emoji to display emotion. A decade ago, it was considered unprofessional to text someone instead of emailing. Today, text is used just as much as email to communicate.
Why is Business Etiquette Important?
You’re probably not going to start a conversation with a superior with “Yo.” And that’s good. But that highlights why business etiquette is so important: It’s a means of showing respect.
Business etiquette covers how you act, how you talk, how you interact, and even how you dress. You probably already know that you wouldn’t dress for a job the same way you would dress for a club. But do you know exactly how you should dress to be “dressed correctly” but not over-dressed?
In addition to showing respect, business etiquette shows that you’re engaging with the same cultural knowledge that everyone else in the business has. It shows that you’re on the same footing as them. This gives them something to relate to and engenders trust. If it seems as though you simply don’t understand the company culture, they may become suspicious.
If you have the appropriate business etiquette, you’ll find it easier to deal with both colleagues and superiors. You’ll find it easier to progress across your chosen career path. And you’ll find it easier to interact with vendors, customers, and other contacts. Since you’re all speaking the common language of business etiquette, you’ll find yourself generally better understood.
When to Use Business Etiquette?
Business etiquette should be used whenever in a business capacity. That doesn’t mean that etiquette doesn’t always change. The etiquette you use for a job interview will be different from the etiquette you use at, for instance, an office holiday party. But just because the etiquette might shift doesn’t mean that there isn’t any etiquette involved.
It’s particularly important to use the right business etiquette when meeting people, when talking to superiors and clients, and when at professional meetings. Business etiquette doesn’t just improve your communications, it can also help you gloss over difficult issues, such as negotiations. At the end of the day, business etiquette makes everyone feel more comfortable and understood.
So, in short: business etiquette should be used always. Whenever you’re doing business, you should be using some form of business etiquette. Even in situations that may be a little less formal.
How to Learn Other Countries’ Business Etiquette?
Every country has different business etiquette. The way that you dress, how close you stand to other people, how you greet people, how informal or informal you are… it always changes. You can’t just err on the side of being more respectful because you might not know what respectful means.
To learn other countries’ business etiquette, the best thing to do is usually talk to someone who is native to that country, or who has spent a long time there. They will understand the intricacies of business etiquette and be able to articulate things that you might otherwise not understand.
Contact Us for Business Etiquette Instruction
If you haven’t performed the basics of business development now, you need to do so before it’s too late. Many businesses fail because people simply didn’t plan ahead. You don’t want to be one of them.
At the London Image Institute, you can go through an easy sequence of foundation and advanced training and seminars to find out more about business development. You’ll learn why it’s important, how you can achieve it, and what the basic components of business development are.

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