London Image Institute Blog

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Business/Professional Tips

The Benefits of a Career in Image Consulting

Are you thinking about a career in image consulting? If you have talent, an innate or practiced sense of style and you love to help people succeed, you would be wise to consider it. Today, many professional as well as non-professional people benefit greatly from a little image management; many organizations have groups who say they have learned a great deal from image and soft skills. Anyone who is in the public eye needs to

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Zoom Meeting Etiquette: Dressing for Success While Working at Home

Tips for For Formal Presentations, Interviews, & Steller First Impressions Impressions matter. However, during the early days of the pandemic, most people were a little more lenient with how others appeared. After all, most people were frazzled; they were new to Zoom, dealing with unprecedented scenarios, and trying their best to get work done. Now that many people have settled into a work-from-home mode, it’s more important than ever to face your colleagues on Zoom

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Image Consultants

7 Easy Tips From Celebrity Image Consultants for 2021

Your image is part of your personal brand. It’s the outward manifestation of your skills and talents; vision, values and experience. To create a personal brand is a process that takes time, but well worth the investment, and helping others as an image consultant could be the right career path for you. There are many ways people perceive the word image, which includes appearance, behavior and communications skills to help people succeed. If your services are

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tattoo at work

Do People Not Get Hired Because of Their Tattoos?

Tattoos are a common form of expression for many people. Some choose a limited number of tattoos that express something meaningful to them. Others may have one or two they got on a dare or just for fun. For some, tattoos are serious body art, or may be used to cover scars from their past. Regardless of the number of tattoos a person has, or the reasons behind them many people often debate how many,

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people waiting for interview

How to Upgrade Your Interview Presence

Invariably many people seek the advice of an Image Consultant when they are facing a change in their lives. One such group includes those who are about to interview and need updated skills: MBA and college graduates, women reentering the workplace and fast track employees seeking promotion as examples. It is wise to hire the services of an image or personal branding consultant when interviewing because many of us are experienced in this arena. We

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