London Image Institute Blog

woman in suit and glasses

8 Non-Verbal Communication Examples

Communication is far more than the words that come out of your mouth; in fact, most communication is non-verbal and silent. These are the myriad traits, behaviors, and features that convey a message to those around you, and they can be very powerful. You should always be cognizant of your own non-verbal communications to improve and enhance interactions and public speaking. Consider these eight examples of non-verbal communication in your own interactions to communicate confidently

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woman in suit and glasses

8 Non-Verbal Communication Examples

Communication is far more than the words that come out of your mouth; in fact, most communication is non-verbal and silent. These are the myriad traits, behaviors, and features that convey a message to those around you, and they can be very powerful. You should always be cognizant of your own non-verbal communications to improve and enhance interactions and public speaking. Consider these eight examples of non-verbal communication in your own interactions to communicate confidently

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group of people waiting

What to Do When Someone Invades Your Personal Space

What Is Personal Space? We all live inside a personal space bubble that shrinks and expands depending on our relationship to the person with whom we are speaking. However, we guard our personal space as though we owned the air itself, and anyone who tries to breach the barrier uninvited feels like an invader. Under attack, our lower brain (Amygdala) goes into flight or fight. We run away, or apologize and back off, or fight

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What is the Meaning of Etiquette?

The personal and professional image you project as well as the impressions you create are determined by your appearance, methods of communication, and behavior. A good number of people are trained and mentored on how to improve their appearance and communication skills. However, most people tend to underestimate the role that proper etiquette plays in personal branding and helping to achieve both personal and professional goals. Simply put, etiquette can be referred to as the

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5 Engagement Party Gift Etiquette Tips

5 Engagement Party Gift Etiquette Tips

We can all agree, the anticipation of weddings and the associated parties is usually very exciting! Engagement parties can be incredibly casual or very formal, planned out in advance or immediately after a surprise engagement, small and cozy or large and extravagant – there are so many possibilities. A couple may even have an engagement party, bridal shower, and a bachelor/bachelorette party. With so many potential parties, are you expected to bring a gift? What

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