7 Reasons You Need an Image Consultant for Your Success

By: London Image Institute | 14 Nov 2022

Image Consultan Success
A professional image consultant may seem like a frivolous expense to some, but in reality, they are a key component to your current and future success. Inevitably, when we dress ourselves, we are drawing from our past experiences. A professional image consultant can provide a clear vision for yourself and your future. They are also able to offer a differing perspective, allowing you to make decisions from a more objective point of view.

Crucial discussions about the creation of your personal brand and the ability to unlock your full potential are just a few of the benefits that a professional image consultant has to offer. At London Image Institute, we fully understand the importance of these advantages. To learn more about the most pivotal reasons why you need an image consultant for your success, please be sure to read on and learn more!

  • Transforming Your Appearance

The benefit everyone associates with image consulting is the transformation of your appearance: a total makeover from top to toe! However, there is a difference between the approach of a stylist or personal shopper and a trained image consultant. The image approach is more technical, drawing from tried and tested principles, based on design, color theory and art. 

A well-known service is the color analysis. This entails a series of color tests to determine your level between bright to soft, dark to light and if your coloring is warm toned or cool toned. There is nothing more exciting than to start wearing the colors which flatter you and to own a palette of colors that make you look younger, healthier, and more radiant. Body analysis is another technically based service. Precise measurements are taken of your body structures, proportions, and body type so that your clothing choices give you that perfect fit, whatever the fashion trend of the moment.

Your styles will also be based on your goals, situation, and an assessment of your preferences. Not only will you have attractive clothing, appropriate to the occasion, but also your confidence and credibility are enhanced by leaps and bounds.

  • Saving Time and Money

It can be hard for anyone to limit their wardrobe to the most essential pieces. Having lots of clothes but nothing to wear is an all-too-common issue. This is something that even male clients end up struggling with. Male clients also have their issues when it comes to grooming and remaining up to date from an image standpoint. That’s why image consultants are such a helpful resource.

These consultants are responsible for crafting and designing a client’s personal brand or working towards his professional and personal goals. Nothing is chosen with the latest trends in mind. It is all about choosing the clothes that suit the client from an aesthetic and professional standpoint. This allows clients to save time and money because they are no longer purchasing emotionally or buying on impulse items that don’t go with anything else in her wardrobe. 

In order to get the most out of our wardrobe, learning the cost-per-wear of each investment piece is a priceless asset. When our closets are packed with items that we are not actually wearing, a lot of money is going to waste. Cost Per Wear refers to the amount of bang that we are getting for our buck.

For example, updated trench coats are in fashion this Autumn. Let’s say that you have purchased a good quality, classic raincoat such as Burberry for $350, and it’s likely to be worn regularly in your climate. At the most conservative estimate, if the coat could be worn 20 times over a 1-year span, the cost per wear is $17.50. If you keep the coat for seven years, it breaks down at most to be $2.50 per wearing. Cheaper than a cup of coffee. A trendier version might be $175 or less and breaks down to about $1.25 per wear. A coat bought on sale might be a fraction of that! A professional image consultant teaches clients how to maximize their wardrobe by re-purposing items and making wiser purchases. They will show you how to be realistic and smart with your shopping budget.

  • Assistance with Your Online Presence

Today’s image consultants are not merely focused on personal appearance. One of their primary goals is to assist the client with their online appearance as well. In other words, what is their social media presence like? Is the client’s net presence allowing them to put their best foot forward?

The last thing that a client needs to be doing is allowing their social media presence to tarnish his or her overall brand. For example, if an embarrassing photo is in circulation or a less than tasteful post has been allowed to remain, an image consultant can advise their removal. Meanwhile, there are other clients with zero presence whatsoever. Professional image consultants can help them start from scratch.

  • Remaining Up to Speed

Let’s face it, the professional world is constantly evolving. What may have been a great idea a few months ago could be woefully out of date by now. How can anyone be expected to keep up with the constantly changing times? In a world that moves this fast, no one can be reasonably expected to handle all of their day-to-day duties AND remain on the cutting edge.

That’s where the assistance of a professional image consultant comes into play. Those who allow their style to become outdated are risking becoming outdated professionally. It’s harder to get hired when you look and act hopelessly behind the times. When you cannot spend all day researching every current trend, an image consultant serves as an invaluable resource.

  • Shifting Your Shopping Outlook

For many of us (and most men), shopping can be a chore. We do not always know how to shop for our body types, and it can be tough to decide which trends to adopt or which ones to skip. Thanks to the help of a professional image consultant, it is easier for clients to know how and where to shop.

When shopping becomes a snap, the days of dreading shopping come to a close. Image consultants will teach you about seasonal shopping, which trends to be on the lookout for and provide much-needed insight on your best styles, your perfect fit, undergarments, and accessories. By the time all is said and done, you will have complete outfits and groups of clothes that mix and match. Also new styles, colors and silhouettes you may not have considered in the past.

  • Positioning Yourself for New Jobs

In a world where people are more willing to jump into new jobs than ever before, you have to think long and hard about the best way to position yourself. How do you stand out from the crowd? Your looks and style are part of the equation, but they are not everything. Resumes, cover letters and social media presence are also analyzed.

A professional image consultant puts together the right package and opens some doors. You need to be presenting yourself as someone who is already confident and successful. We must dress for the job that we desire, as opposed to the jobs that we have already done.

  • Improving Your Communication Skills

We can all use a refresher course on our communication skills. You can waltz into an interview in the finest suit or blouse and still come up short if you do not know how to communicate effectively about your skills and experience. Professional success takes place because you know how to look, act, and speak the part. All aspects must be consistent with how you describe yourself. As a friend of mine says: “Do you look like your resume?”

Interpersonal communications are also going to play a major role in your ability to advance professionally. As you learn how to enhance your verbal and non-verbal communication, an increasing number of opportunities are going to present themselves. Professional image consultants provide the help you need with your emotional intelligence, tone, pitch, and volume, so that you are able to get your points across in the most articulate and compassionate way possible.

For more information, contact us to begin your image consultant training.
