How to Improve Your Presentation Skills?

By: London Image Institute | 10 Jan 2022

You’re always stressed before a major presentation. You don’t feel confident about yourself, even if you do feel confident about your ideas. You worry that people aren’t paying attention to you or aren’t taking you seriously. What can you do? You can try to improve your presentation skills.

Businesswoman standing at podium with laptop giving a speech

Dress for Confidence

People take you more seriously when you dress in a way that makes them think that you take yourself seriously. Therefore, if you want people to pay attention to your presentation and really hear what you have to say, be sure to wear clothes appropriate for the occasion. That doesn’t mean wearing a suit or formal attire. It just means looking like you’re put together and like you know what you’re doing.

Start with Your Voice

Your voice is one of the most important tools that you have when giving a presentation. You want to sound clear, strong, and confident. Start by practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself so that you can hear how your voice sounds. You can also record yourself and then listen to the recording. This is one of the best ways to hear how you sound, especially if you have trouble hearing your own voice in real-time.

You can practice improving your vocal inflection by increasing or decreasing pitch at certain points in a sentence and emphasizing important words with pauses before them. You can also practice speaking more slowly than you normally do. This will help make your points clearer and give listeners time to digest what you’re saying.

Be Engaging

Your goal is to keep people’s attention focused on you and your presentation, so be sure to engage them from the start. You can do this by using eye contact, body language, and facial expressions to communicate with your audience.

Use slides sparingly when presenting information (if at all). Slides are great for displaying important visuals or statistics but don’t rely on them too much during presentations because it can be difficult to maintain eye contact if you’re constantly looking down at notes or up at a screen.

Practice Your Body Language in Front of a Mirror

This is an excellent way to see how your body language looks when you speak and hear how your voice sounds in real-time. It’s also helpful because it gets you comfortable with being on stage so that everything feels more natural once the presentation actually starts.

Be Positive and Animated

When you’re excited about your topic, it shows in your body language and your voice. Be sure to practice being positive and animated so that your energy is contagious. People are more likely to be interested in what you have to say if they can see how passionate you are about the subject.

Don’t Fidget

Fidgeting can be distracting to listeners and make you look nervous or uncomfortable. If you find yourself fidgeting, try to consciously stop doing it. You can do this by sitting up straight, keeping your hands still, and avoiding excessive movements with your feet or legs.

Stay Calm and in Control

This can be difficult when you’re giving a presentation, but it’s crucial that you stay calm and in control. If people see how nervous or anxious you are, they won’t listen to what you have to say because they’ll assume that your content isn’t important enough for them to care about it. It’s also helpful if people feel like they can trust you because then they’ll pay more attention during your presentation.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

It’s okay if you make a few mistakes during your presentation. No one is perfect, and that includes the best presenters out there! Just do your best not to get too flustered if something goes wrong and just keep going. If you need to, take a quick pause to gather your thoughts and then continue on.

Talk to the London Image Institute Today

Giving presentations can be nerve-wracking but it’s also a great opportunity to share your ideas with others. Sometimes you might need some extra help. Consulting with an image consultant can help you develop the confidence and appearance that you need. Talk to the London Image Institute to find out more about building your presence and connecting with your audience.
