How Do You Make a Good First Impression in Business?

By: London Image Institute | 11 Dec 2023

Happy employer shaking hands with an Indian jon seeer

In the world of business, making a good first impression is crucial. Whether you are meeting a potential client, giving a presentation, or attending a networking event, the impression you make in those initial moments can impact how others perceive you and your business. 

Building Trust and Credibility

One of the primary reasons why a good first impression is so important in business is its direct correlation to trust and credibility. People are naturally more willing to do business with those they perceive as trustworthy and reliable. By making a positive impression right from the start, you can establish a connection that lays the foundation for a successful business relationship.

A study conducted by Princeton University suggests that it takes as little as a tenth of a second to form an impression of someone based on their facial appearance. This initial impression then influences subsequent judgments about their trustworthiness, competence, and overall likeability. In a business context, this means that if you fail to make a positive impression from the start, it can be extremely difficult to overcome that perception later on.

When it comes to making a good first impression, appearance plays a significant role. Over the years, London Image Institute, has done many informal assessments of the first impression and has interesting anecdotal information to back up more formal tests such as Albert Mehrabian in the 60’s and Princeton University more recently. In our research we also found that details of the non-verbal (facial expressions, appearance, and body language) are the first things noticed at first glance. People can remember at least 4-5 details in about a 2-second encounter, and many more in five seconds. What’s more, we have judgements, assessments, opinions, and comparisons based on those details alone. All animals (including humans) are hot-wired to judge others rapidly and accurately for a simple reason: personal protection and survival. We are always on the lookout for perceived danger: friend or foe. 

The Power of Appearance

Interestingly, the way in which you present yourself through your clothing, grooming, and overall appearance details can determine how others perceive your professionalism, likeability and credibility. It is also essential to dress appropriately for the occasion, considering factors such as your industry, the company culture, and the level of formality required. Not only that, as a businessperson with a personal brand you are also dressing to represent yourself in a good light. Whether you accept its significance or not, the inconvenient truth is that your first impression is the packaging, logo, font, and colors of your brand identity. We project powerful messages the minute we appear through the door. The trick is to make sure those messages received are consistent with the messages you WANT to project. 

At London Image Institute we train image consultants to provide tools, tips, and techniques to help their clients express almost instantly their skills, talents, experience and even their values. 

Grooming and Fit

If we accept that in a business setting, your appearance should reflect your personality while displaying a sense of professionalism, we have found that grooming is one of the top elements that projects important aspects of your professionalism. Tailored garments are viewed as more professional than softer, unconstructed clothing. This is not a surprise. In many art forms such as landscaping and architecture, straight lines and sharper corners are viewed as commanding and disciplined; curved lines are easygoing and carefree. In a business setting such as networking or a serious meeting, men will do well to wear a well-fitting suit, blazer or sportscoat, crisp shirt and neatly tailored trousers. A tie is useful to add to the formality of the outfit. For women a trouser suit, tailored jacket, two-piece suit, dress, or attire that aligns with the environment you will be in are all appropriate. Make sure you are well-groomed, paying attention to details such as clean and manicured nails, polished but subtle makeup, and a tidy hairstyle. If you come in unkempt, untidy, or disheveled, people wonder if your work ethic follows the same trend.

Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication


Actions speak louder than words

While attire sets the stage, your body language and non-verbal communication are equally important. Before you even utter a word, your body language can convey a wealth of information about your confidence, sincerity, and engagement levels. Here are a few tips to help you make a positive impact through your non-verbal communication:

  1. Maintain eye contact: Making eye contact conveys attentiveness and shows that you are genuinely interested in what the other person is saying.
  2. Smile: A warm and genuine smile can instantly put others at ease and create a positive impression. Be sure that your smile hits the eyes naturally and avoid forcing it, as it can come across as insincere.
  3. Stand tall and confident: Good posture demonstrates confidence while slouching or hunching indicates a lack of interest or self-assurance. We lose height at the knees, the ribcage and the head, neck, and shoulders. Practice head rolls and neck and shoulder exercises. When standing, lift the ribs, tuck in your seat, and pull up your thigh muscles until your knees are straight but not locked. Your ear should align with your shoulder, hip bone, side of the knee and ankle bone. Stand with your weight between the feet even if you sway elegantly to one side. Be sure to move a relaxed head and avoid looking like a soldier. Looking natural is the key,.
  4. Use hand gestures consciously: Appropriate use of hand gestures can enhance your communication, making it more engaging and expressive. Avoid excessive or distracting movements that may appear unprofessional. Waving your hands about in circles in front or to the sides of your upper body when you speak is confusing! A super simple technique is to bring one or two hands to the chest area and practice slower hand gestures, with fingers turned up.  Floppy wrists denote a lack of energy and rigid fingers indicate tension or fear.
  5. Pay attention to mirroring: If we feel a connection with someone, we naturally tend to copy or mirror the body language of the person we are interacting with. However, if you feel a comfortable connection isn’t quite there, a few subtle changes of body posture can also create an improved sense of trust. For example, a shoulder turned away will feel disconnected; both shoulders turned towards a person feels more connected. In this position, eye contact will improve, and as mentioned, eye contact and smile are the best connectors we have. 
  6. Energy Level. Speakers are often coached to run on the spot before going on stage. It relieves stage fright and raises their energy level. Energy is contagious but being over-energetic can get a bit overwhelming. Good speakers on stage and in meetings manage to raise their energy when the room flags and calm the energy down when things get overheated. It happens mainly with the voice quality and expanse of the gestures. Wider gestures with elbows held slightly away from the body, hands lifted are considered more confident and energizing than elbows glued to the sides of the body. Calming movements are lighter and slower. A voice that comes from the lower chest or even air expelled from the abdomen sounds more resonant and confident than voices originating from the throat which tend to be thin and reedy. 


Contact Us Today

Making a good first impression in business is an art that combines various elements. It starts with taking care of your appearance, presenting yourself confidently through positive body language, and effectively communicating your ideas. However, the key lies in building authentic connections by showing genuine interest, being authentic, and finding common ground. Incorporating these practices into your business interactions will likely leave a lasting positive impression.

Are you looking to become an image consultant? You can help clients with an unforgettable first impression. Visit London Image Institute and explore our train the trainer courses. Our team of experts can help you unlock your full potential, polish your personal brand, and succeed in the competitive business world. Start today to make a lasting impact!
