What is the Meaning of Etiquette?

By: London Image Institute | 16 Jan 2020


The personal and professional image you project as well as the impressions you create are determined by your appearance, methods of communication, and behavior. A good number of people are trained and mentored on how to improve their appearance and communication skills. However, most people tend to underestimate the role that proper etiquette plays in personal branding and helping to achieve both personal and professional goals. Simply put, etiquette can be referred to as the customary code of polite behavior that is accepted among society, members of a certain profession, or a group.

Here are some tips on how to exhibit good etiquette:

#1 Be on Time

Whether you are going for an interview, business meeting, wedding, cocktail party, or everyday appointment, you should strive to be at your designated venue in good time. Punctuality sends the message that you are not only reliable but also self-disciplined. Being late, on the other hand, can be interpreted as a show of disrespect and could affect your relationship with the other party. If you have time management issues, you may want to address the problem by planning for the engagement in a good time.

#2 Use a Proper Greeting

How you greet new acquaintances, as well as the people you meet frequently, speaks volumes about your etiquette. Men should stand when a woman enters the room for the first time. It is recommended to address elders with respect and use an individual’s preferred term of address, whether it be “sir,” “ma’am,” or something less routine. Greet people with a firm handshake and friendly smile to express the warmth of the relationship. When you are introduced to someone, you should maintain eye contact and repeat the person’s name to increase your chances of remembering it. Young people should avoid using slang since some people may find it annoying or embarrassing.

#3 Proper Grooming

Proper grooming does not only involve dressing well; it also includes trimming your hair, nails, beard, and brows, if necessary. This will set a platform on which you can build your sartorial masterpiece. You should also develop a habit of making sure that your teeth and clothes are clean, and that you have at least a fresh swipe of deodorant applied before you leave the house. This will ensure that you are always prepared for the unexpected.

What is the meaning of etiquette - Grooming

#4 Practice Good Table Manners

Good dining etiquette will also distinguish you from others in a social setting. Regardless of whether you are in a business formal or casual setting, it is recommended to turn off your cell phone when dining with others. Standing is also key: typically, you should stand each time a woman joins or leaves your group, somebody enters your office, you’re introducing yourself or being introduced, or someone approaches you to talk. Keep your conversations polite so as to avoid offending others around you. Good table manners also include never putting a dirty napkin on the table before the meal is completed, placing your napkin on your seat if you have to leave the table, taking your hat off before the pre-meal prayer, chewing with your mouth closed, and keeping your elbows off the table.

#5 Treat Others Well

The ways in which you treat other people tell a lot about your levels of etiquette. One of the great ways to make a lasting impression is to make others feel great whenever they are around you. Simple acts of kindness, respecting older generations, opening doors for people, and sharing your umbrella when it rains are all part of good etiquette. Apart from the people you are interacting with, you should also be respectful when it comes to those serving you. How you treat guards, waitresses, cab drivers, and retail workers have an effect on how others perceive you.

#6 Avoid Vulgarities

Proper and acceptable behavior also requires that you communicate your feelings and expressions without using vulgar language. A professional person will not use vulgarities or profanity, even when making jokes. This is particularly important to remember when in public spaces or in business and workplace-related settings. Vulgarities will not only offend some people but may also lead to some lowering their perception of you or taking you less seriously.

#7 Learn How to Listen

Human communication involves writing, reading, speaking, and listening. While formal education covers the first three parts, listening is an aspect that you should practice if you are to develop good manners. When people are speaking, you should give them your full attention. Avoid interrupting, showing signs of impatience, or fidgeting. This means making a clear distinction between when you can talk and when you are required to listen. Listening will give you a chance to learn from others, help you earn their respect, and ensure you respond or contribute appropriately.

What is the meaning of etiquette - Listening

#8 Know Your Limits

While it is perfectly okay and acceptable to enjoy a cocktail or beer in certain social situations, you should ensure you do not get sloppy in public. You have to be cautious about how much you drink during a date or a business meeting. Having drinks with a few friends in the privacy of your home is completely different from drinking in a public space. In addition to knowing your limit, you should also know the kind of drinks to order depending on the occasion, venue, and your company

#9 Be Discreet

It is always important to know what to say and at what time. When it comes to work-related matters, you should keep your company’s business private. Avoid sharing sensitive and private information with outsiders. Whenever a visitor enters your office or other workspaces, consider putting away confidential information that a loved one or associate has trusted you with. You should also inform callers before putting them on speakerphone.

#10 Mind Your Own Business

Just in the same way that you should not share sensitive information with outsiders, you should also respect other people’s privacy, opinions, and decisions. Avoid contributing to conversations in which you are not a party or going to events to which you were not invited. Make sure you understand what is going on and the reason for certain behavior before talking about others or judging them. This is essential to the core of any respectable person. This will go a long way in helping you maintain strong relationships and ensuring you have a great life.

Final Thoughts

One of the best ways to learn etiquette and improve your behavior in different social settings is to hire an image consultant. You can also consider pursuing a course in image consulting so you can learn more about the different aspects of personal branding.

The London Image Institute is a leader in image consulting training, with campuses in Atlanta, and London, that offer training programs at different times of the year to offer you convenient learning opportunities. Experienced faculty and a well-structured curriculum will help you launch your career as a professional image consultant. Contact us for more information about our image consulting services.
